It astonishes me that every day I am hearing more stories from friends who know of someone that has died suddenly of heart disease at barely
age 60. I am sure that you can relate to this.
As obesity is on the rise, is it any wonder that the growing
rate of men under the age of 60 are dying suddenly of heart disease? The pieces of the puzzle fit
perfectly together - heart disease is growing as obesity grows meaning that
nutrition and exercise are on the decrease.
Every day we are faced with the fast food challenge. We as
human beings are presented with catchy slogans, appealing colours, descriptive
television commercials, constant radio advertising, a fast food outlet on every
corner of every street and in every state. Everywhere we turn we are faced with
Who's up to facing the challenge? You may be, but others aren't and that's not because they choose to be or not to be, it's because fast food is the pandemic (note that it is "fast"food - my most recent blog (travelling and the fast food pandemic)
How are people to make a conscious and educated decision
when we are faced with a quick fix that is killing us all off one by one with
heart disease, diabetes, obesity, clogged arteries - it is actually disturbing.
Would fast food be appealing if instead of the catchy slogan
"mmmm I’m loving it", got changed to "mmmmm I’m loving diabetes" with a picture of an obese
person drinking a coke with a double quarter pounder in their hand? The
perception on fast food would quickly change, and instead of having a pandemic
of obesity dying of diabetes and heart disease, we would have a pandemic of
obese people making conscious decisions to no longer be obese, make changes and
become healthy.
Everyone is so concerned with health and treat it as though it is the
hardest thing to achieve. I constantly hear, oh I just couldn’t help myself, It
was just one of those days. Yes excuses, but is it really our fault? How can
it be when we are constantly presented with challenges. We are told that
obesity is on the rise and the next advertisement we see and hear is about how good the new
four and twenty pie is for blokes who love to build houses and feel manly is.
My point being is we are being put under pressure to become healthy but are challenged almost every second with fast food, leaving everyone uneducated and confused about being able to make a conscious decision about what is going to benefit our health.
We are naturally social beings, yet everything associated with being "social" is associated with being unhealthy.
This is what brought me to where I am today, to be able to inform people and make you all consciously aware of the process involved with being healthy and how being unhealthy isn't necessarily your fault when you are constantly challenged with unhealthy choices in a world that claims to be healthy.
I created the Cross Training System to be able to educate you all on the importance of nutrition and exercise in preventing ailments such as heart disease and obesity. Coming soon you will meet my new nutrition system called CTS5N but until then, happy reading, health lifestyles and an educated and formative approach to a lifestyle that will see you benefit immensely.
Aaron Buchan
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